
Altrincham Golf Club

Why a World Handicap System?

What is the World Handicap System (WHS)?

The World Handicap System (WHS) aims to bring six different handicap systems together into a single set of Rules for Handicapping, enabling golfers of different abilities to play and compete on a fair and equal basis, no matter how or where they play.

The new World Handicap System has been designed to make golf more modern, fun and inclusive. The R&A and the USGA have created nine videos that capture this and break down each key change in a simple to understand manner. 

Please find links to all the videos below.

1. Introduction

2. Basis of calculation

3. Course and slope rating

4. Playing handicap

5. Maximum handicap index 54

6. Acceptable scores

7. Net double bogey

8. Daily revisions

9. Playing conditions calculation

As and when we are in a position to hold our communication sessions in the club room, members of the Handicap & Competitions Committee will be available to talk members through the coming changes. In the meantime, any questions about the new system can be sent to 

Alternatively, take a look at the Frequently Aske Questions 



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